图灵研讨班第十二期——Long Range 3D Sensing for High-Speed Autonomous Driving




报告题目:Long Range 3D Sensing for High-Speed Autonomous Driving


内容简介:In this talk, I will first to provide a basic introduction of autonomous driving.  Then I will present some research work on long range 3D sensing using monocular cameras. High-speed autonomous driving demands 3D perception beyond 200m, which is the typical maximum range for either Lidar or Radar. I will present a new method that combines traditional 3D vision with scene-parsing method to enable accurate vehicle range sensing at over 1000m. A ultra-long range 3D dataset will also be introduced.

个人介绍:杨睿刚博士,美国肯塔基大学计算机系终身教授、博土生导师、IEEE高级会员。美国国家科学基金委(NSF)人才奖获得者。 IEEE PAMI学报副主编;IEE Computer Vision学报特约编辑、编委。负责承担美国NSF、国土安全部、国防部、海军部等科研项目35项(其中7项为NSF),累计科研经费达1800万美元。发表论文100多篇,并被谷歌学术引用过万次,H因子达58。拥有美国专利12项,杨睿刚教授的主要研究方向是计算机图形和计算机视觉,特别是3D重建及3D数据分析。曾任百度研究院三维视觉首席科学家、机器人和自动驾驶实验室主任。现任嬴彻科技CTO