【Turing Seminar Term No. Seven 】Interpretation on Cultivation Plan of


This seminar will interpret the training program of the Turing Class Information Security major, introduce the course system, propose planning suggestions for professional learning in the direction of network space security at Zhejiang University, and explore future development plans. The seminar guests are as follows:

Han Jinsong, professor at the School of Cyberspace Security at Zhejiang University, serves as the director of the Information Security Department. His research focuses on IoT security. He has won several awards, including the Best Paper Award at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Excellent Teacher of Computer Major in Universities, and the 2018 ACM Xi'an Outstanding Doctoral Supervisor.

Shen Wenbo, research fellow at the School of Cyberspace Security at Zhejiang University, was selected for the Zhejiang University Hundred Talents Program. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in 2015, with a research focus on system security. His papers cover all four major international conferences on computer security, and his research achievements have been deployed on a large scale in the industry, protecting the security of over 100 million flagship mobile device operating systems.

Zhang Bingsheng, research fellow at the School of Cyberspace Security at Zhejiang University, was selected for the Zhejiang University Hundred Talents Program. His research work is centered on cryptography, mainly engaged in data security, blockchain security, secure multiparty computation, and zero-knowledge proof. Since graduating from his overseas doctoral program in 2011, he has accumulated eight years of overseas teaching and research experience. Prior to joining Zhejiang University, he was an assistant professor, subject leader, and director of the Network Security Department at Lancaster University in the UK.

Liu Jian, research fellow at the School of Cyberspace Security at Zhejiang University, was selected for the Zhejiang University Hundred Talents Program and received his Ph.D. from Aalto University in Finland. He was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. His research areas cover applied cryptography, distributed systems, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. He is dedicated to building provably secure, user-friendly, and deployable system applications.