On‘AIoT’s Revolution and Operating System’ by Professor Chen Haibo, Chief Scientist of OS in Huawei in‘Turing Lecture’


Focusing on the Present and Looking into the Future

-- Professor Chen Haibo, Chief Scientist of Huawei OS, invited to the Turing Lecture to explain The Evolution of AIoT and Operating Systems.

On the afternoon of April 24th, Professor Chen Haibo, the Chief Scientist of Huawei OS, Director of OS Kernel Lab, Professor and PhD supervisor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was invited as a guest for the second session of Zhejiang University's Turing Lecture Hall. He gave an online presentation with the theme of The Evolution and Operating System of AIoT to undergraduate students from the 19th class of the School of Computer Science and Technology, including the Turing class, through a DingTalk live broadcast.

First, Professor Chen introduced the history of the tortuous development of operating systems. He started with hello world and explained in simple terms the principle of keeping complexity to oneself and simplicity to users, which is the mission of operating systems.

Subsequently, Professor Chen introduced the future trends of operating systems from three aspects: openness, applicability, and complexity. This led to a discussion on the trade-off problems that this complex engineering system faces when dealing with different targets and complexities.

As the Chief Scientist of Huawei HarmonyOS, Professor Chen also showcased the grandeur of AIoT and the interconnectivity of everything with examples from Huawei's intelligent driving and 1+8+N strategy.

Finally, Professor Chen enthusiastically answered students' questions about AIoT security and multi-device connectivity, bringing a knowledge feast to everyone, not only based on the present, but also looking towards the future.