Report time: April 8, 2022 15:00
Report Location: Qizhen Hotel Qiyuan Hall, Zijingang Campus
Online bookstore live link:
Report Title: Computer Vision: Past, Present and Future
Reported by: Qi Tian (Chief Scientist of Huawei Cloud Artificial Intelligence, Member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, IEEE Fellow)
Content Description.
(1) Overview of computer vision
(2) History of computer vision development
(3) Overview of basic computer vision technology
(4) Application scenarios and market analysis of computer vision
(5) Pangu pre-training large model
(6) Huawei Cloud AI Strategic Layout and Research Progress (optional)
Personal Introduction: Undergraduate from Tsinghua University and doctorate from UIUC. From 2002-2019, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio; major research interests include computer vision, multimedia information retrieval, and machine learning; published 700+ international journal and conference papers. Undergraduate from Tsinghua University; Ph.D. from UIUC. 37,000+ citations on Google Scholar, h-index of 89. The Changjiang Chair Professor of the Ministry of Education, the Chair Professor of the Center for Neurology and Cognition at Tsinghua University, the Overseas Reviewer of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Overseas Jieqing of the National Foundation Committee, the IEEE Fellow elected in 2016 and the expert chosen for the National Major Talent Project in 2021, and elected to be academician in International Eurasian Academy of Sciences in 2021.