东京大学Tomoyuki Nishita教授讲座

上传时间 :2004-09-16    浏览次数 :4817    发布者:系统管理员     部门:
  题目:Interactive Rendering of Optical/Sound Effects due to Atmosphere and Fluid
  主讲人: Tomoyuki Nishita(东京大学教授)
  题目:Intuitive Flows from Mind to Images
  主讲人:K.Anjyo(OLM Digital 动画公司博士)
  时 间:9月20日下午2:30
  地 点:玉泉校区曹光彪东502室

Tomoyuki Nishita
Tomoyuki Nishita is a professor in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering (also in the Department of Information Science) at University of Tokyo, Japan since 1998. He taught at Fukuyama University from 1979 to 1998 He was an associate researcher in the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory at Brigham Young University from 1988 to 1989. His research interests center in computer graphics including lighting models, hidden-surface removal, and antialiasing. Nishita received his BE, ME and Ph.D in Engineering in 1971, 1973, and 1985, respectively, from Hiroshima University. Dr. Nishita received Research Award on Computer Graphics from Information Processing Society of Japan in 1987. He has written twelve SIGGRAPH papers. He is one of the pioneers of Radiosity Method. He was a member of the Editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He has lectured at The University of Tokyo since 1994.
